Three Things To Know About Getting Your Car Smog Tested For The First Time

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Protecting the Earth Protects Future Generations of All Types

While my parents were good people, they never taught me much about caring for the Earth. However, the principal of my elementary school was very committed to living an eco-friendly lifestyle. She taught us a lot about recycling (our school had recycling bins long before others did), eliminating waste, and other ways to preserve the Earth for future generations. While caring for the Earth benefits future generations of humans, it also benefits animals. Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling protects the natural habitats of animals. Litter also harms animals when they eat the waste or get stuck in it. I am dedicated to spreading the advice that my elementary school principal taught us all about caring for the Earth, so I decided to start a blog all about the environment. Come back often for more tips on living an eco-friendly lifestyle!


Three Things To Know About Getting Your Car Smog Tested For The First Time

17 October 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

When you move to an area that requires your vehicle to pass a smog test, it can be hard to know what to do if you have never had to get your vehicle smog tested before in the past. Smog testing is done to make sure that vehicles are not creating more emissions than they should be. The following guide walks you through a few things you should know about getting your car smog tested for the first time.

You Can Have a Pretest Done

Before you take your car to be smog tested, you can take it to a smog testing station and have a pretest done. The pretest will check to see if there are any issues with the vehicle that would cause your car to fail the actual smog test. The reason you want to have the preset done is that if you fail the pretest, your car will not be deemed a high polluter.

Have Issues Addressed Before Actually Having the Testing Done

It is best to take your vehicle to a certified mechanic that specializes in emissions. They will be able to make all necessary repairs on the car so that it can easily pass the smog test. If the vehicle fails the smog test, you will not be able to drive it because you will not be able to register it without a smog certification that states your car has passed a smog test.

Be Ready to Pay for All of the Fees Associated with the Testing

It is important to realize that there are fees associated with the smog testing. You will have to pay for the pretest, the actual smog test, as well as the certificate stating that you passed. You have to be ready to pay for each item in full upon passing the test. If you fail a test, you will have to pay to have it done again.

If you fail the test more than one time, you may be able to get a waiver in order to be able to drive your car without first passing the smog test. It is important to realize that the waiver is not easy to get and these steps you need to take can be quite a hassle. It is easier to simply have your car pass the smog test from the start so that you can register it and start driving it legally right away. Visit a site like for more help.